
Interpersonal Struggles

When you are struggling with interpersonal difficulties, we encourage you to seek therapy with Transformative Counseling & Wellness. You CAN find support during this challenging time.

What are interpersonal struggles?

Interpersonal difficulties relate to problems with interpersonal relationships. These difficulties may stem from thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that interfere with your ability to bond with others or in certain types of relationships. Everyone develops ways in which they relate to others being closed off and self-sufficient, people-pleasing, avoiding people, disagreeing, or exerting control. These behaviors can lead to relationship issues, stress, depression, and anxiety. Interpersonal issues result from conflicts, tension, miscommunication, and silence from those we have relationships with. These types of issues can be seen at work, home, family, friends, or even acquaintances.

What are some signs of interpersonal issues?

  • People-pleasing

  • Easily angered by others

  • Irritability and frustration when communicating or listening

  • Frequent drama

  • Isolation or social withdrawal

  • Loneliness

  • Frequent fights

  • Avoiding communication of emotions

  • Inability to set or follow healthy boundaries

  • High sensitivity to perceived rejection

  • Frequent loss of relationships

Indiana therapy for relationship struggles

Whatever you may be going through, you don’t have to go through it alone.

Counseling and therapy in Indianapolis, Indiana

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